


Requiem for The Bully

By Mark Antony Rossi The bully has been an ominous presence in society since time immemorial. Many believe this behavior is an aberrant evolutionary off-shoot of “only the strong survive” concept Others contend this is actually family bred bratty attitude now turned physical. The origins are unclear and entirely irrelevant. […]


The Underside of Like

By Mark Antony Rossi Whatever could be wrong about liking someone? Nothing comes to mind at face value. The world needs more positive examples of people caring about one another. The problem stems from how “like” blinds people from making an otherwise accurate judgement. The unintended ramifications of this dysfunctional […]


Spaces Of Nationalism

By Ananya Guha  The Cauvery water dispute dates back to three decades, resulting in violent ethnic clashes. This time too after the Supreme Court verdict that   more water be let into Tamil Nadu, there were violent attacks against anything Tamil and vehicles of Tamil Nadu registration were also not spared. […]


Symbolism And Myth

By Ananya Guha We are a nation of symbols. Symbolism works in every aspect of our nation. But the symbolism is outside, within there are contradictions. What do  I mean, you may ask? Well, on the face of it there are secessionist proclivities separatism in many parts of the country. […]


The Question of Character

By Mark Anthony Rossi My son asked yesterday, “Dad why do you need courage to do the right thing?” I had to think for a moment because I often have to translate ideas into a format a ten-year-old can understand without my translation becoming lost in the hodge podge of […]


Encouraging the Arts

By Rhea Cawsi Dhanbhoora Kill Your Competitors Artists and creative thinkers are an insecure, anxious and jealous lot — it’s intrinsic to who we are. But we really need to be more encouraging and supportive of our own Early days In school, I had the pleasure of being at the […]


Culture as a Positive Construct

By Mark Antony Rossi I’ve often wondered if all the major decisions I made in my life were heavily influenced by my cultural background. No doubt economic status, social environment and religion play a role but I’m primarily interested in the cultural construct. Is there truly an Italian perception of […]


Probing a Country’s Conscience

By Ananya Guha Floods in India create havoc every year. More than a quarter of the country is affected. Assam, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat, Maharashtra, parts of South India were among the worst to suffer this year. In Meghalaya this year in Garo Hills more than a lakh people were […]


Deeper Meaning of Truth and Loyalty

By Mark Antony Rossi If you poll the majority of people you meet they will swear to heaven that honesty is the most important trait they seek in friendships and relationships but later you discover many consider whistle blowers dishonorable characters and most use privacy and painful pasts as justification […]