
Eternal Guardian

I wonder are all the Indian dads would be same?
 hiding so much from us to be alone while in pain
stressing out or being sad doesn’t even exist in their vocabulary
 If questioned would be throwing yourself in lion’s den voluntarily.
This message is directly or indirectly invading the past
like me their are many who secretly love their lonelorn dads.
I want you to remember, the days we weren’t close ,
Somehow were drag in the mud of distant
but you fought despite overdosed.
I know, you know Who you were
since then till now it’s always gettin’ better.
Nights are so cold laying in my haunted bed
if ever put in the bars of hatred you’d come to me rather being sad.
The time when you put your hand on my head and hug me tight,
I can cry over like a mermaid washed in a surge tide.
You had to lie everyday
pretending to smile and be brave
Now that when I see you at your lowest
coming to home with only our favourites .
You gave us your heart and soul
to protect us from silent screams and danger zones,
Now if i can’t make up like you did for us
I’ll rather be in paradise where sacrificed love is untouched.
~ Aastha Gupta

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