
The Mind and its Program

by Arya Bhanushali

The very definition of a program is to input data that executes instructions to output it back to the user. The program will output the same result as long as the inputted data is the same. Similarly, our mind is an automated program with millions of commands, known as our thoughts. We have around 6200 thoughts every day, with each of these thoughts, a neural pathway is created and the chemicals(dopamine, glutamine …) are released giving your thoughts and emotion. Because the brain is in constant communication with the rest of the body using neurotransmitters, the thoughts one has impacts emotions and ultimately their physical health. Your brain acts as a record of your environment and memorized behaviors so when your environment remains constant, your thoughts and actions will too, creating habits. A study showed almost 90% of the thoughts we think are the same as yesterday. This is because neural cells that fire together wire together so as you repeat the same state of mind and body, your brain fires in the same sequence and pattern creating the same chemicals, same emotions, same decision, and then, the same result. Over time, this “autopilot” program becomes a personality. The thoughts are what run the program, executing the feelings and rest of the “code.” Because of this, you can’t think greater than you feel, so it’s important to input the right thoughts because once the thoughts have executed the code, you can’t rerun it. It’s important to be aware of the thoughts you have because most of them are from yesterday, and if you want today do be a better day, you want different thoughts and different outcomes. Most people unconsciously condition their body into the familiar past into the known simply by following their usual routine which triggers the same thoughts since the environment is the same. Unlike a computer, you have the ability to change the eventual result with practice and forming new neural pathways.

How do you change your neural pathways? Well, the reason why many researchers say the first thing you should do when you wake up is make your bed is because when you start the morning with set rituals and routines, you start the morning with control rather than your morning controlling you. This proactive momentum carries you throughout the day. On the other hand, it is discouraged to check your phone immediately after waking up. The dopamine chemicals that are released repeatedly every time you check your phone become a habit that takes over your mind. The physical body, the programmed habits that you have created, now run your mind where your body continues to follow that program subconsciously throughout the day. Your thoughts play a big part in your neural pathway: every thought sets off a set of circuits that fire in a specific sequence, pattern, a combo that produces a level of mind that makes a chemical for you to feel the way you think. By practicing these habits, the sequences become stronger and the connection is sustained therefore creating an intentional program. It’s also worthwhile to note the benefits of meditation when changing the way your brain works on “autopilot”. Mindfulness meditation improves function throughout the day as several studies show meditation is linked to stress relief and increased focus. By sitting, and forcing yourself to focus on one thing, yourself and the present moment, first thing in the morning, you are setting the blueprint for your day. Meditation promotes metacognition and as you learn how your mind works, you gain more control over the program you run on.


About the Author

 Arya Bhanushali is a junior at Johns Creek High School located in Johns Creek, Georgia . She has experience in programming as an intern and student, and displays an interest in neuroscience. 


  1. This exploration is very necessary to raise our awareness of our being. Effectively structured content. Nice work !

  2. This is very interesting the way you compared a computer software to a human mind. It is important for people to recognize the power their mind has!

  3. Excellent comparison between human and how to reprogram it. Next evolution in AI is loosely based on neuroscience. Excellent work !!

  4. Very well written … This awareness is very important as it truely says thoughts make our lives…

  5. Well explained article on how technology and medicine works together and provide accurate and quick data with the help of AI.Very impressive!