
Would You Love My Broken Face?

Would you love my broken face,
As much as my beautiful heart?
Even when there’s no happy place,
I’d still love the essence of your blue shirt.
The wretched glamour dancing off me
paradise bounded with hearts being free,
the twirling light cast my smile unpleasingly
The mirrored eyes reflect my soul soothingly.
Down below the soul, your words sleep without a brisk,
darkness abides under my eyes with a risk.
Yet the stars sparkled out in gauzy delight,
high above the fading northern lights.
The pale shade of my cheeks went for recovery,
The shining love for you in my heart will always be sunny.
The bruises on my chin travelled on its course through my vessels broken and lonely
But my injury was masked by the touch of your beating heart lyrically.
The rashes on my face only saw me as its host and made me weaker ;
But my heart assured me that I could be a keeper.
The mole on my cheek infiltrated my thoughts with leaving my skin breaking,
Yet my heart shone brighter each day with empathy draping.
When the dawning horizon drizzled the wrinkles on my face ;
The valves of my heart will still be on course to love your every phase.
The surge of summer rains carried away my broken face,
The flower in my heart blossomed at every pace.
Would you love my broken face,
As much as my beautiful heart?
~ Kavya Jain

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