
A Drug

Only if earth sinks,
And birds fail to sing,
Or moon melts never to rise again,
I will stop sniffing poetry in pain.
If oceans evaporate,
And mountains fall,
Only if nightingales fail to call,
My name, I will, with poetry fall.
In name of poetry,
I sip wine regularly,
And stagger around,
Again I drink in dawn.
I love to sniff,
I live to eat,
I wake to drink,
And with poetry I brim.
Poetry hallucinates me,
Drowning in the sea,
My nerves fail to locate me,
As I get lost in a poetical sea.
I am tested positive,
For poetry,
And I am bedridden,
But will not go for detoxification.
Poetry- a drug,
Addicts my veins,
And I forget my name,
As poetry puts me in flame.
~ Bagawath Bhandari

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