
My World

I am confused, perplexed, and feeling lost,
in the complexity of this mundane world;
The purpose for our creation must be bigger than what I visualize,
but not merely living and chasing the dreams of luxurious life.


My world is flooded with problems; I am part of it and I must find a solution, myself.
kindness and selflessness should drive my thoughts and actions;
at least to self-create a world, free of selfish devils and evils of all kinds.


I dwell in this world filled with negativity,
talks poisoned with derogatory and abusive words,
actions are harmful and dreadful,
to all the peace-loving souls.


Exasperated with the wear and tear of life,
I crave for a serene night to console and calm myself;
under the brightness of the moon and stars,
desperate to heal the wounds and scars, with the heavenly balm.


After serious contemplation, I realized I can neither hide nor escape from this troubled world.
I should keep fighting to overcome those adversities that surround me,
embrace the world with new hope and conviction to make life meaningful to myself and others.


It is impossible for me to change the world
but I see a possibility to change myself;
I am solely responsible to deal with this complex world,
find ways and means to set direction to make my life worthy for self and others,
so that everyone can enjoy a peaceful sleep.


~Yeshi Nidup

Phuentsholing, Bhutan

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