
The Poet and The Verse

What if the one who made this verse
is a poet?
What if he’s a man who drinks too merrily?
If not, then why does his creation seem so magnanimous and yet so silly?
If not, then why do the planets seem drunk and wobbly,
and the stars always ready to kill each other that easily?
And why do the winds make the same fuzzy sounds as the man who’s been out drinking heavily?


Isn’t he, the one who wrote the winds?
And how can someone simply pen the winds and sprinkle life in them magically?
And does he con the masses by pretending to be or not to be!
What a skillful master he would have been,
to have framed a verse so complex
and yet veil it with such simplicity.
If he is a poet, then this verse is his masterpiece!
For he lives in this verse and is found in every corner of it.
For he breathes in his verse and is found in every corner of it.
His verse is nothing less than him or he anything more than it.


~ Aman k Phoenix 

New Delhi, India

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