



You are clipping my wings to suit your needs; you are breaking my bones to fit me inside a cookie cutter; caulking and smoothing my rough opinions just so you please; tightening the strings to make this puppet dance to your tune wildly; You are bending my will and twisting my emotions […]



I’m in lust with a sky I’ve yet to see; in love with people that I’ve yet to meet. Whilst lonely lips await whetted kisses; as warmer hands caress a trembling cheek. Time spent in Victorian fantasies queen of spades vivid in a diamond flush. Struggle on a chair with […]


Assumption: DOOOOM

The Zion And the Himalayas proclaim After splitting and treading over Such e-echoes: “Come out From the manifestos of dividing- Walls framed by war hungry bipeds, Fallen and poisoning animals. Amass wisdom From the altruistic hills of herbs, From the daughters Of thunder and rain and clay. From the sweet […]


Only Love Can Bring Us Peace

Only love can bring us peace of another way to be. Only love can master hate ‘cause love is always great. Behind the curtain, you know, something is working, revealing it all: the action of joy, the action of love drivin’ out shadows, givin’ the hope. Peace is comin’, changin’ […]



Most bewitching feature in the sky occurs When a shining ring surrounds the moon It happens when the nimbus clouds float around It and spray their moisture like a boon Same phenomenon happens during sun- eclipse We behold a glittering aureole When the sun vanishes and the light dims Still […]


A Ballad of a Soldier

Having read otherworldly books A soldier was begirded by sudden whim Who he was and from where he came. He wanted someone to explain that to him. His curiosity chose divine  path Day by day fervour augmented But worldly soul got no impetus. His sole purpose was soul be oriented. […]


The Retreat

Fed up of this terrorist world And those who blindly followed the trail That led nowhere unlike the waves That followed and rolled into one This desolate man depressed to the core Ignorant of what lay ahead Comes seeking for solitude and peace To the solitary confines of this river […]



One day I’ll be ready for you Bathed in the moonlight fragrant by lilies sweetened by the nectar hidden by the bees I’ll ready for you I will wash all my scars and sin and scrape all the marks of the sin, I’m bearing will scrub all the pain angst […]


Soulful Journey

As I stared into oblivion Unperturbed by the silence Awakened by the ringing of my soul Unraveling its past stories I was drifted through the cloud of veil Revealing  my purpose to be here Love was the answer And to be in NOW was the key         […]