
Shravan Clouds

Bundled in woolens
sipping on hot tea
at the base camp
felt their mission
was near complete
last leg of the journey
to make it to Amarnath
sacred pilgrimage
for the Shaivites
A rumbling noise pierced
the tranquillity of silence
“Was that the roar of the
mountain lion?” she asked
with a tremor in her voice
He smiled back and said
“We are near the abode
of the Lord, fear not
of any extraneous noise”
In a matter of minutes
were swept off their feet
hurtling down the valley,
camp and all, flying rocks
chasing them into
the valley of death
lay buried there
under mounds of earth
mutely chanting
Om Nama Shivaya!
Om Nama Shivaya!
Om Nama Shivaya!
Rescue teams arrived
with sniffer dogs
Found them alive
under the rubble
mouths filled with mud
hands folded, eyes shut
with cuts and bruises,
ribs cracked; but conscious
Patched, plastered, bandaged
resolve not waned
journey would resume
once roads reopened
A promise made
‘to do or die’ but make
it to the holy shrine
From the caliginous skies
appeared mystical light
Felt blessed after darshan
Returning with a sense
of fulfillment
Life’s last wish struck
off the bucket list
Peace stabilised at last.
~ Snigdha Agrawal
Bangalore, India

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