

In search of being independent,
I have lost my childhood.
In search of a man who will
Take all the responsibilities,
I have lost someone
Who has unconditional love.
In search of stable earnings and money,
I have lost my dreams.
I have lost my adherence to art.
In search of reality,
My fantasy has been lost.
In the race of being rich,
All the freedom got captivated.
I end up being a prisoner-
A prisoner to artificial happiness.
Become a heartless creature.
I develop my habit
To adjust with this illuminance.
I got absolutely lost
In the crux of a perfect life.
And listen! This fucking adjustment
Won’t last for long.
Because it’s not real.
And everything that’s not real,
Is transient.
I have always looked for liberty.
Didn’t find, that’s another thing.
And I can’t blame myself anymore.
I got bored of loosing.
I got bored of being lost.
But started freeing myself a little.
~Tiyasha Khanra
Kolkata, India

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