
Sons & Father

Now that I am old
I’m often being told
I forget to switch off the lights
Electricity bills run high
I leave open doors
Cars, wardrobes
Criticised for being slow
Eating, dressing, doing
simple household chores
I’m being oft late told
Best I remain indoors
Make myself scare
when visitors are present
For I lack the appropriate
social skills to intermingle
with high brow guests
visiting from overseas
Unfit to be seen
Unfit to be introduced
As a father of my children
Holding important positions
And if I tell them
If that be so
Let me go
Live at a senior’s citizens home
Amongst people like me
Grown old turned slow
Where I will be accepted
With all my encumbrances
So, you no more need
to hide me behind closed doors
No! I’m told
The reason is they need me more
I carry the thick security blanket
They assume will be theirs
Of course!
Now I’m the one embarrassed
Living with the thankless.
~ Snigdha Agrawal

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