
Paradise of Patriarchy

by Dr. Shweta Kansal 

We all have heard of that timeless saga where a charming prince riding aggressively on his horse, wearing his shining armor, fighting all the opponents with a sword to save his beautiful princess incarcerated in the castle But what if our prince is not charming, he is shy, lean, afraid of riding a horse and he prefers dialogue over diatribe and conciliation over conflict. This soft and fragile side of men is a conspicuous departure from the patriarchal definition of men.


Whenever a man sheds tears, the whole society raises their eyebrows in awe, as if he has done unthinkable: to pour his emotions out. Since when hiding pain has become a trait of strength? Perhaps, A man’s tears are as precious as a girls’ virginity (sarcasm intended here) and our patriarchal society cannot afford to waste those tears.

Badi gaadi, mehanga ghar?(Lavish Cars and Grandeur House?)

We all have might hear criticism of songs where women are often stripped of their financial agency and just ask for some random lavish demands from their supposedly male partners. But let’s look at this the other way around: Doesn’t these songs equally objectify males as well by portraying them as someone who is there to cater only to financial needs? This covert and perhaps benign objectification does create psychological pressure on men to earn more and more. As a society, we have inadvertently made a man as worthy as his income.

Men Can be raped too? NO, screams the patriarchy

While sexual violence against women is a reality, many people dismiss sexual assault against men as a myth. Men too can be victims/survivors of assault, but our society doesn’t lend an ear to the sexual woe of men and unheard their screaming silence. Even in movies, outraging the modesty of men is shown as comedic gags.

We live in a society where the manliness of a man is weighed by their physical appearance, not by their character and moral standing. Patriarchy is not of the men, by the men, and for the men but a benevolent despotism for them. It has camouflaged discrimination against men as their privilege. It is not a paradise for men, the yoke of patriarchy spares no one. Let’s kill this facade of equality under patriarchy together, All the men and women, together.

PS: That beautiful princess (from that timeless saga) doesn’t need a prince to rescue herself, she is complete on her own like our prince.

About the Author:

Dr. Shweta Kansal is a Dentist by profession. She has a propensity for writing and reading. She has worked as a volunteer content creator for an educational YouTube channel. Her several poems are under publication for various anthologies. She has also launched her NFT collection on OpenSea. 




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