
The Bitter Truths of Life

They say that falsity is so easily persuading

And that truth is bitter at times,

And while at an ecstatic mood, a single phrase of truth

Can disharmonize all the chimes.


But the piece of truth that really wounds me the most

Is the disconsolate death of a dear

And the grief that sweeps in like the wind, cold and stiff,

Outrightly engulfing me in deep fear.


And while in pensive mood, If I begin to ponder

And look back on those times, I start to fight

Against the most dreaded memories until my surrender,

Knowing that I’ve been defeated downright.


It pains my heart to say this, but through and through

I’ve endured the highest degree of dismay,

But those immutable memories in my heart’s core

Shall, to eternity echo and forever stay.


And so every person has a fight of his own,

A fight, something a bit personal perhaps

Fought in vain against the bitterest truths of life

But they soon realize their defeat with time’s elapse.


Thus, what you can take away from all this is,

Just accept your defeat, staying strong, and give way to all the ruth

Because the biggest victory in life that you can ever attain,

Is by accepting and surrendering to the bitter truth.


~Abhinav Navaratna

Bangalore, India

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