


Delhi’s Dengue Distress, Who is to Blame?

By The Editor: Siddharth Sehgal Delhi’s Dengue distress has hit a raw nerve of our society, the five year old who died subsequently after being denied treatment from number of private hospitals mocks and shakes the very fabric of our society. Is turning away a patient in time of epidemic […]


Meat Ban: Food Policing of Governments

By The Editor: Siddharth Sehgal Young children if you have observed will do exactly the same thing you tell them not to do. Parents often find it very difficult to disciple their kids, they might hush up out of fear for a while but sooner or later the rebellious nature […]


Reservation & Education

By The Editor: Siddharth Sehgal There is big difference between desperateness and entitlement. You might have seen children roaming through streets sifting through heaps of garbage for plastic bags and items, you might have seem them asking money at traffic stops. You can practically look around and see in the […]


Independence, A Reflection

By The Editor: Siddharth Sehgal On 15th of August, 2015 India will celebrate its 69th year of freedom and democracy. Rebellion that started in 1857 culminated with flying of tricolor at red fort in 1947. Those days are a memory in pictures of black and white in museums and books […]