


Social Media and Teenagers: A Set of Q&As

by Anantinee ‘JHUMPA’ Mishra Our world has turned into a world of Social Media. Facebook Friends and Instagram Followers seem to have a greater importance in life than the actual, old and new, collage and school, close and distant, face-to-face friends. The notifications from Whatsapp, TikTok and Tumblr seize our […]


When Protesting Muddies the Message

By Mark Antony Rossi As my country, the United States, is engulfed in meaningful protests against discrimination it is also swamped with meaningless protests some organized by groups with agendas not meant to help the public discourse on the subject of equal treatment under the law. But the biggest problem […]


Jerusalem: Few Facts

By Anantinee ‘JHUMPA’ Mishra ‘If I forget you, Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill!!!’ INTRODUCTION Jerusalem (Yerushaláyim in Arabic), a city in the Middle East, is located on a plateau in the Judaean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea. It is one of the oldest cities […]


Where Humans Stand?

By Shantanu Das Humans, how long we have been evolved on earth? That’s a scientific question but we humans have even found it out. Humans began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity about seventy thousand to a hundred thousand years ago, around in the middle stone age. From the last […]


Covid-19: “Pursuit of Happiness”

By Panchali Banerjee The pandemic Covid-19 has left many of us in house arrest, most people in the streets longing to go back home. Home, because out in the streets stripped of all dignity and security we want to be back home, possibly the perceived abode of utmost peace and […]


Police Brutality in America Can Be Solved

By Mark Antony Rossi Police brutality in America has never entirely been built on bigotry. While I won’t make light of some of the obvious examples it should be noted in the full picture all too often police violations have more to do with abuse of power than abuse of […]


What is the New Normal

By Mark Antony Rossi What is the new normal for places that have endured three months of isolation, evacuation and expiration. The corona virus is still ravaging through India, parts of Northern China and South America. For a hyper financial, Uber freedom zone like America the new normal might mean […]