
Do Not Disturb The Silence Of This Night

Do not disturb the silence of this night
Let it prevail, let it sail
I can feel the beats of my heart
Feared it is but I am in love with this fear
I will sleep embracing it tonight

Do not disturb the silence of this night
Not alone I am, see all my wounds
All open but soothing they all tonight
No one here breaching this solace
Eternal it is getting, getting soon twilight

Do not disturb the silence of this night
Who are they beating drums so high?
Words reach not where, numbness has a reach there
Go you all, I will not open my door tonight
Fly I will this night, away you all, Oh! blight

Do not disturb the silence of this night
My feet getting wet, my veins in sweat
Short it is, but I will live longer this night
I want to sleep tonight, yes, tonight
In my arms, don’t disturb the silence of this night


~ Arvind Kumar

New Delhi, India

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