
Dissent in Democracy

by Ishita Mehal from Mumbai, India


  1. Describing the current situation aptly and the current dispensation should take some lessons from this cartoon.

  2. Wonderfully made! This highlights so many issues like protests, media, privilege, freedom of speech and expression, democracy, police brutality, colonial laws under which innocent people are incarcerated and the banners show what we, the common people of India actually aim for. I wish we our better conscience prevails and we stand up for ours and our felloe citizenry’s rights. Thanks for portraying all of this within one cartoon. Clearly, art speaks a lot!

  3. Wonderfully made! This highlights so many issues like protests, media, privilege, freedom of speech and expression, democracy, police brutality, colonial laws under which innocent people are incarcerated and the banners show what we, the common people of India actually aim for. I wish our better conscience prevails and we stand up for ours and our fellow citizenry’s rights. Thanks for portraying all of this within one cartoon. Clearly, art speaks a lot!

  4. Exceptional cartoon! Loved it!

  5. The juxtaposition of vibrant colours used in the carton to the dismal current affairs is witty and striking!

  6. Awesome. Shows your creative mind.

  7. Too good. Nice observation skills and imaginative mind to put forth such a brilliant political cartoon.

  8. Amazing work, I specifically liked the privilege part… shows a mirror to us.

  9. Sad but true. I was in denial of reality but this art depicts what we are going through bluntly and sharply.

  10. The message is so good! Cartoonists and comedians are getting banned or arrested for saying truth whereas people in power are committing crimes but roaming free! What a democracy :(