
My Precious Rainbow Umbrella

When first I set

My eyes upon you

Lying by my side

Your cherubic face

Your tender frame

Drained my joyful eyes


For nine months

I carried you

With pain and agony

Your teensy kicks

When in my womb

Strained my energy



When you lay beside me

My joy knew no bounds

The first time I held you

Gently, in my loving arms


Your softness

When I held you

My little bundle of joy

Stirred my “painful” emotions

So close to my heart


You sucked my breast

And kicked me

With your tiny, comely feet

Then smiled and coo’ed happily

At your daring feat!


When first you learnt

To crawl alone, and move

Around the house

You picked up things, and

Slyly, put them in your mouth


The puny steps

You took and stood

Upon your teeny, weeny feet

I picked you up and hugged you

To see you growing

Now, upon your feet


Those days and years

Have passed away

As I dream those years of yore

To see you standing

Strong and caring

As I was for you before



Child is the father of the man

Is really, very true

I see it every day in you

As my years are closing in


God bless you child

I always pray

For sharing all my pains

For the care and love you shower

When I am in severe pain


Not long I’ll live

I am aware

Sick and tired I be

But with your tender

Care and prayers

You drill my energy


May God bless and keep you

Safe and healthy too

And send a guardian angel

To take special care of you


Over the years you travel

You will grow old one day

But I shall then not be with you

To uphold your hand

To cherish and embrace


~Shobha Diwakar

Jabalpur, India


  1. What a beautiful poem you have composed Ms Diwakar! It will, I am sure take all mothers to their young age when they were expecting & see their little loving baby grow up into a responsible caring adult. It’s a poem that will make anyone feel nostalgic. Thanks for sharing such a wonderful poem with us, the readers.

    • Thanks ASB for your sentimental comments . Yes, as children grow up they honestly become their parents caretakers, though it may not always be the case in this rat race. I pray to God that all parents be blessed with children who value their parents and take care of them in their old age and not shirk their responsibilities towards them, albeit there are children who forget the sacrifices parents have made for them.