

We were not related by blood

We had a special bond

I looked at him shyly with love

All he did was to respond


The chemistry was working

Developing    into   romance

We tied the knot and formed a new

Relationship by design and chance


But the food of love is despair

And   sorrow   of   separation,

Familiarity   breeds   contempt

Proximity   diminishes   passion


So, our alliance took a dip

His family did not like me

It   insulted, ridiculed and

With harsh words spiked me


Instead of standing by me

He succumbed to family pressure

I simply quit with a new wisdom

That blood is thicker than water


Now, I don’t form relationships

I don’t give love any tag or name

If my feelings are real and deep

I think I’ve attained my aim


~Sudha Dixit

Bangalore, India

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