
Kurt or Morrison?

One self- consumes

The self-loathing, all the wallowing.


The other warns of,

Wallowing, it’s dire, too dire.


The reptilia he becomes

Doesn’t serve any,

I’d rather breathe in, clear skies,

Bald eagle and a Tiger, I roar, I fly.


Kurt celebrates purity

Morrison injects madness

I’d rather find a conjecture

Refining the masses, put to test.


Kurt, I bow before you

You’re all too human

That’s what I am too, it seems

Jimbo, you can do anything

Just not this madness, I scream!


One, a hapless lover

Even the sacred union can’t tie down

Although, Nirvana he achieved.


Another’s heart pined,

Thought of a shade, but lit a fire,

The shaman’s child is too hot to handle


Jim, turn down the heat you emanate,

Kurt, though your heart burns, it lights ways…


~ Soubhik Chakrabarty,

Kolkata, India

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