
What is Life?

What is life, if not a bottle of a thousand and one memories, closed and open, floating in an abyss of moments?

 What is life, if not the thousand and one fragments of our soul, broken and fixed?

What is life, if not the plethora of love we carry in ourselves, some fleeting; some forever?


What is life, if not loving under dusk and hoping for it to last as dawn arrives?

What is life, if not the wet toes that graze the sand as waves fleet along the shore?

What is life, if not the raindrops that kiss the seams of our faces in healing tenderness?


What is life, if not gray skylines and the slashes of thunder in them, like strikes of passion on a monochrome canvas?

What is life, if not red roses with prickly thorns and white dresses with red stains?


What is life, if not emotions mixed with metaphors in those blooming tales in the dark alleys, trying to love the bruises caused by the scars from splintered love and stalled trails?


What is life, if not the sublime fragrance kept sacred for the return of someone who left without saying a word, and waiting for spring carnivals to bring them back home?


~ Anantinee Mishra

New Delhi, India


  1. An optimistic view reflected in the poem by an author who has written about life before its beginning. One would enjoy the theme and its rythm if reads dil se.
    God Bless.

  2. She is indeed God gifted & multi-talented. She gets enriched in literature with each day which is amply evident from her write up. May Almighty bless her to bloom in achieving her dream