
If the God Descends

If the god descends

I shall not ask for riches

Not the wealth nor the health

Not the success nor the promotion

But surely I want to touch him

Feel him and ask him

Are you the god with the flute

Or the one with the cross

Or the peace of holy Mecca

Or are you none but all in one?

Are you the huge power

To click the big bang showers

With the colossal gravitation

Arranging a black hole in a decoration

With speed mass time in calculation

Oh my god I want you with human sensation

It’s my imagination and my aspiration.


Be a strength but don’t bless

To those human gods fighting

Pandemic in white dress.

Don’t cure patients miraculously

But be the confidence in them

That he survives definitely.

Be a support to the family

of sleepless truck driver

who brings oxygen for survivors.


Won’t you stop the storm

But come at the end of storm

Come with a helping hand

Come with a stetho in hand

Rescue the wounded in ambulance

Be a rescue doctor in ambulance


Crawl down on a misty wintery night

Of slum dwellers battling cold’s bite

Don’t distribute blankets to the wrecheds,

But spread the warmth in you to lit the light

So that they have enough might

To fight their plight.


Oh my god, come with all odd

Come with plenty of potency

Come in a creative decency

Come in a mood of romancing

Come in a destructive dancing

Come in a stormy cold night

Come at a burning sunny site

Come at the horizon

Come in my passion

I am here to welcome you

As no other is beautiful then you

I must say I won’t pray

Don’t take my misery away,

lest I forget you someday ….


               ~Achinta Sutradhar 

                  Kolkata, India

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