Month: May 2021


Boond se Boond Tak

बूँद से बूँदे , बूंदो से बारिश , बारिश से झरने , झरनों से नदियाँ , नदियों से सागर , सागर है गहरा , गहराई में सीप , सीप में मोती , मोती में चमक , चमक में रोशनी , रोशनी में किरण , किरण आशा की , आशा से […]


Patrick’s Escape

by Terry Wynne Harry really did have to go the library like he told his wife. It just so happened that the pub was on the way. Why not stop and relax for a while? No harm done. One of Harry’s usher friends was sitting at the bar stool with […]


The Rain and The Virus

Monsoon rain gushes down, endlessly, Heavens open, Engulfing the city in its watery fury. There is no cleansing ; just roaring putrid Waters flooding the streets. Swirling sewerage from The open drains Overflowing – Taking with its watery fury the Disposable masks, Carelessly discarded, Cardboard boxes and corrugated sheets Served […]