Month: May 2021


In a Strange Town

It was only yesterday when you left… now I’m sitting in a town center square, feeling the emptiness in the crowded air with pigeon-shaped notes on a treble clef but strangely music-less…and yet not deaf… the fountains gush, arc…sound is everywhere… I even hear laughter…squint in the glare… but of […]


Development is Just a Corruption

The calendar has changed But the wall did not change The mouths of the poor people were cut off But the service rarely provided.   Houses were demolished But the roof was never provided Helpless people were looted But justice was never given.   The promises were done But the […]


New Normal

The heat is unbearable as the scorching sun plays havoc we are in the midst of a torrid season the wave has engulfed life’s course hit of the second wave on the top of it makes living from bad to worse the entire nation is caught in the web the […]


Eyes of Lovers

A man having small round eyes, like those of pigeon is said to be having good judgment.   The one having eyes like those of a parrot is often referred to as an opportunist.   Black, larger luminous eyes indicate the trusting, simple nature of their owner.   Soft glowing eyes show […]


In the Rain

by Peace Nkeiruka History had it that two brothers traveling in search of greener pasture fought over a fertile land. The younger killed the older and banished his late brother’s surviving family. This older brother’s name was Ube, and the younger was Akidi. Akidi established a settlement on the land […]


Moments Bygone!

It was a long time ago That we wore the uniform That defined our school.   It was a long time ago That we moved up from Nursery to Twelve That defined our school.   It was a long time ago That we hardly entered late for classes That defined […]


The Scarlet Sari

by Steve Carr The juvenile macaques played in the remains of what once was the Hotel Lakshmi, where those who were nearly homeless lived, but was now but a shell, most of its interior and windows carried away. It is was now just a ruin, something from the past; a […]



I met you for the first time at your son’s party I stood in a corner with my arms folded, While I watched you slurring in your alcohol-induced stupor I cringed as you used derogatory words for your wife’s ethnicity as she walked by And everyone in your clique bellowed […]