
An Epiphany

Life, on this planet is

The enigmatic element,

Simple, complex and mysterious

It’s different every moment.

To understand life, we need creative education.


It has so many phases,

Childhood, youth and old age,

Its multifarious moods

Have laughter, dismay and rage.

To tackle life, we should have perceptive elevation.


It’s like an amorphous mass

Containing joy and sorrow,

One times with dark clouds,

Some other with radiant rainbow.

To relish quality life, we must use deliberation.


We find all the seasons

Summer, autumn, winter and spring

In life’s various periods, where

A wide range of colours they bring.

To appreciate this trait, let’s train our imagination.


While reading a book of wisdom,

We have to study every page,

In life’s almost all aspects,

There is substantial message

Reaching final destination, we’ll know it’s a revelation


~Sudha Dixit

Bangalore, India

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