
Boosting Health and Wellness When Working From Home

by Asha Chelle Herbert 

Photo by Wouter on Unsplash

The majority of India’s workforce had to rapidly shift to remote work in the beginning of the pandemic. Over a full year later, many companies have considered implementing a permanent work from home setup for their employees for both safety and productivity reasons.

While remote work definitely has its advantages, a lot of employees have also experienced health problems since they started working from home. Workers have reported that their health and well-being have suffered because of longer working hours, interruptions at home, and lack of peer support. If all this sounds familiar to you, then know that you can take care of your health and well-being by following these tips.

Make time for exercise

Exercise has been proven to reduce your stress levels. It also keeps your body healthy and fit, which decreases your risk of getting chronic illnesses. It is also very helpful for remote workers, since exercising can keep you more alert.

Incorporate exercise into your day by using workout apps, which can offer workout videos and even workout playlists! If you’re pressed for time, then try to fit in these short exercise routines for strength training. Even taking small breaks for a quick stretch can give great mind and body benefits.

Create a conducive work environment

You should feel comfortable in your space, because you will spend around eight hours of your day working. Try working in a room where you will encounter fewer distractions. You should also minimise your susceptibility to aches and pains by using tools that will support your body.

While working, you should sit on a chair that will support your back. The right ergonomic accessories, too, can help you maintain good posture and ease pain in your joints. You should use a mechanical keyboard that helps maintain your natural hand and arm position to lessen your risk of getting muscle strain and carpal tunnel syndrome. You can also use monitor stands, which bring monitors up to eye level, thus reducing your chances of getting neck pain or eye strain. Most of all, keep your space tidy, so you won’t get easily distracted.

Try to meditate every day

Working from home can make it difficult to concentrate and be productive. Since you’re working from the comforts of your home, you can easily get distracted. Your home life may also suffer because of work-related stress.

Meditation is one wellness practice that can help improve your focus and concentration. Furthermore, it can help lower your stress levels after every session. Try meditating for 15 minutes every day to feel these benefits. You can listen to guided meditation videos from YouTube or various apps, but you can also just sit in a peaceful and quiet place and check-in with yourself.

Establish a sleep routine

Consistency is key when it comes to sleep. A regular sleep schedule will help maintain your body’s internal clock. This routine will make it easier for you to fall asleep and to wake up. Plus, your sleep quality can also improve over time.

Establish good sleeping habits, such as having a consistent bedtime and waking time. You should also avoid consuming caffeine and exercising when you’re about to sleep. The blue light from your screens will also keep you awake, so shut off your gadgets before you sleep.

About the Author:

Asha Chelle Herbert is a part-time writer and a full-time mother. She balances her passion for writing essays and articles with her desire to spend time with her precious kids. When she’s not working, she likes to make cute bento boxes for her family to enjoy.



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