Month: September 2020


Conquer Your Anger

Venomous enemy is our anger Keeps killing self, longer it lingers It takes a second to lose our temper When our grey cell gets clogged by anger Men or women, sturdy or slender Child or teenage, older or younger One day or the other to this monster Unknowingly one must […]


ऐ! बादल तू ही बता

ऐ! बादल तू ही बता, तेरा यू आना, चिड़ियों के संग चहचहाना, सूरज से गले मिलते हुए उसको अपने गोद में बिठाना, उसकी किरणों से तितली की आकार में खुद समाहित हो जाना, फिर कुछ दूर चलते ही, अपनी आकृति में बदलाव लाना, और इस जग को अपनी मित्रता की […]


The Transfer of Energy is Real

by Swikriti Surendra Dearest Stranger, Lately, I have been thinking about people and relationships of every kind, be it love, motherly, fatherly or anything else. So many times things happen in our life where we are so anxious about things that when we really ponder over it we conclude that […]


The Promenade of Old Love

I look at everything that used to be explicitly just mine I kept it from escaping my rough, heavy hands Tired I came home after hard work, your touch It always pleased me when many could not give me many Your smile that walked the whole world to win in […]


Salute to Teachers

~Anantinee ‘Jhumpa’ Mishra // Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur Devo Maheshwara Guru Saakshat Para Brahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namah //  If there is one thing, which is a primitive and continuous constant in our lives, it is knowledge. Knowledge is the only thing which will stay with you, when nobody […]


Faker? Genuine? Conditional?

We, the human beings are the ‘greatest hypocrites’ No one knows behind … Which mask lies the real ‘person’ Faker? Genuine? Conditional? Like a chameleon we camouflage.. Depending on the circumstances. In a cloak of disguise we conceal Trying our level best to shroud.. The ‘class’ we actually belong to […]


If I Were a Cloud

If I become a nimbus cloud I would hover over the earth I would shower nectar drops Adding there divine mirth   My silver lining would be A source of optimism My rain song would make The nature dance in rhythm   Wandering across horizon I’d play with bright sun […]