
A New Idea and The Watchman

To come to light,

a newly conceived ideal idea

seems to be scared and hesitated,

its unabated peeping

from the womb to light

for watching a through pass,

leading to a benevolent home-

wherein a hidden reformer waits

to welcome and use it

in blooming the smiles in the gloomy faces,

seems to be caused by

an undead robot- the watchman,

made of non-sticky metal-

untouchable to any prayer or importunity

standing just as an impenetrable wall

in front of the entrance

along with its ghostly gesture

and well ambidextrous too,

in showing its reluctance to any new idea-

willing to enter the home

and to any sharp reformation

deserving universal sympathy and support,

causing the raising heads and hands

against its own and its programmer’s existence.

                                                                                  ~Pijush Kanti Deb

                                                                                      Nogaon, Assam, India



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